The Beginning After The End Wiki

Alaric Maer is an Alacryan who takes notice of Arthur after spotting him walking through Etril after being thrown out of a bar and into the streets. He is a complete alcoholic and only approached Arthur with the intention of striking a deal with him in order to become his partner in crime, no questions asked, stating that Arthur was his golden ticket. Alaric's only goal seems to be to further his drinking habits, even going as far as having dreams of being drunk until his dying day.

Alaric possesses potent spellforms that disrupt the senses of his opponents, granting him a decisive advantage even against powerful opponents.



Alaric is shrewd. He recognized that Arthur is from the other continent, and came up with a plan to use that fact to get himself what he wants: alcohol and money. Alaric also has hallucinations of deceased friends, family members or other deceased people that had any connections to him. It can be considered as some sort of PTSD. Indulging in alcohol enables him to temporarily get rid these hallucinations.



Abilities & Skills[]

Myopic Decay: Myopic Decay is the ability of one of his crests[1]. It has multiple phases, varying the strength of the effect. The mana in the air vibrates, causing an interaction with everyone's cornea, resulting in blurred visions for those affected.

Aural Disruption: Aural Disruption is the ability of one of Alaric's marks. A sound-attribute spell disrupts channeled abilities by interrupting the casting mage's focus.

Sun Flare: Sun Flare, an Emblem of Alaric, triggers the surrounding fires to intensify dramatically, engulfing the area in a blinding radiance. This immense burst of light forces everyone in sight to shield their eyes, or even to be blinded. (You might call it a fire-induced flashbang.)


  • (To Arthur) "If I was born with a face like that, I'd just woo some rich highblood lady and bathe in sweet rum every night"
  • (To Arthur) “You can't get a hangover if you are always drunk.”[2]
  • (To Arthur) "Good-looking and smart. You're just the whole package aren't you?"
  • (To Arthur) "Spend some quality time with the highblood beauty in the Relictombs, aye? Shared a few romantic evenings slaughtering beasts, then cuddled by the fire, still crusty with blood from the day's fighting..."

Notes & Trivia[]



  1. The Beginning After The End Novel, Chapter 415, Episode 1183, Alaric Maer's POV
  2. The Beginning After the End Novel: Volume 8 – Chapter 293

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