The Beginning After The End Wiki
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Curtis Glayder is the Prince of Sapin, the kingdom mostly inhabited by humans. He is the son of Blaine Glayder and Priscilla Glayder, and brother of Princess Kathyln Glayder. He is a fifth year battle mage of Xyrus Academy, and a member of the Disciplinary Committee.


Curtis looks similar to his father, King Glayder, with his fierce, brown eyes and mahogany hair. Arthur remarks how Grawder and Curtis look similarly with their fierce gazes, while Curtis' spiky hair appears like a lion's mane.

During his stay at Xyrus Academy, Curtis wears a military-style uniform, with gold buttons and a cord decorating his black blazer.

When he activates the first phase of his beast will, his canines extend, his hair becomes longer and his clothes tighten as his muscles expand.

During the battle at Etistin, Curtis appears shaven with a military crewcut and wears polished armor with a sword on both sides of his hips.


As a prince, Curtis is prideful, especially as a child, making the act of apologizing to others difficult. As Curtis grows up, he becomes more mature, as shown when he apologizes to Arthur for accidentally hurting him, during the mock team battle. He is also hardworking and willing to hear his mistakes, so he can improve himself. Curtis is a protective brother towards his younger sister, Kathyln. He once volunteers to take over Kathyln's night shift as a Disciplinary Committee member patrolling school grounds. He often trains with the other members as he firmly believes that it is better for him to strengthen his own abilities, rather than to rely too heavily on the power of his beast will. In fact, he does not consider Grawder’s power as his own. Curtis can act rashly, when trying to protect the people he cares about. After becoming an instructor at Lanceler Academy, Curtis deeply cares for the well-being of his students.


Curtis is the son of Blaine and Priscilla Glayder, making him a prince of the Kingdom of Sapin. In his youth, he is taught etiquette befitting royalty and swordsmanship, but was known to skip his classes from time to time. While visiting Vincent Helstea’s auction house, King Glayder buys Curtis an infant world lion, Grawder. Curtis formed an equals contract with Grawder, once the world lion becomes an A-class mana beast.


  • (To Tessia) “This is my most powerful attack. If you can take this on, I'll admit my defeat! Please prepare yourself!”[7]
  • (To Claire) “Can I volunteer to take over my sister's shift as well? Call me overprotective, but I'm not comfortable knowing Kathyln might be in danger while I'm fast asleep.”[8]
  • (To Crowe) “Hearing the stories coming from the eastern border of Sapin, I’m frustrated in one sense, because I’m not there helping out, but I’m also relieved, because I don’t think my students are anywhere near ready to face Alacryan soldiers.”[1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Curtis is ranked 20th in the comic's character popularity poll, receiving 95 votes.[9]



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