The Beginning After The End Wiki

The Mana Core is the 5th episode of The Beginning After The End Webcomic and the 5th chapter of season 1.


Reynolds hurriedly goes inside their destroyed house after hearing Alice calling out Arthur's name and realizing that Arthur was not with them. Reynolds stops in disbelief when he sees Arthur formed his mana core. Arthur is shocked to see his surroundings and thought someone had attacked their house. Later on, while reading, Arthur recalls all the things that had happened this past year: he was taught by his mother how to read and write, learned about magic, and got a wooden sword for his third birthday. Suddenly, Reynolds bursts through the door to start training with Arthur. After they finished, Arthur begins to strengthen his mana core but was disturbed when his parents called him out for dinner. While they were having dinner, Reynolds suggests to Alice to get a mentor for Arthur.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Battles & Events[]

  • Arthur forms his Mana Core
  • Arthur learns to write and read
  • Arthur gets to start to train

Novel & Comic Differences[]

