The Beginning After The End Wiki

Miss President is the 87th episode of The Webcomic and the 2nd chapter season 4.


During the orientation, Tessia discusses the existing discrimination within Xyrus Academy and the need for students to put aside their hostility towards each other's differences. Elijah is mesmerized by Tessia's beauty and believes that he just fell in love with her. After the orientation, Arthur and Elijah encounter a confrontation between Nicolas, a human, and Broznean, a dwarf. Broznean proceeds to declare a duel against Nicolas. The two engage in combat, and Nicolas defeats Broznean. Nicolas attempts to break Broznean's arm when Arthur calls out the arrival of the student council president. This sudden announcement startles Nicolas, but he becomes angry when he realizes that Arthur tricked him. Nicolas threatens Arthur and turns to leave when Sylvie spits on his nape, causing Nicolas to be even more furious. Nicolas prepares to attack Arthur when Tessia appears behind him, asking, "Do you dare?"

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Novel & Comic Differences[]
