The Beginning After The End Wiki

Indrath Clan[]

Kezess Indrath[]

Kezess is the ruler of the Indrath clan, whom Windsom serves as his loyal subject. Windsom is fanatically loyal to Kezess, taking his every command and proclamation as though it were law. He never second guesses what his master orders for him, nor does he show the slightest hesitation when carrying out his orders, such as overseeing the training of the human boy Arthur or the extermination of the Dicathen races once the war against Alacrya is lost. Agrona even points out that Windsom and his master are very like minded in their treatment of "lesser beings" indicating Windsom idolizes Kezess to the point of adopting his philosophy's and mannerisms. Windsom does not stand for anything that could be considered an insult to his master.

Myre Indrath[]

Myre is the wife of Kesess Indrath. Windsom has just as much respect for Myre as he does Kezess due to her status. Windsom recognizes Myre's talent and understanding in controlling aether and did not hesitate to let Arthur learn under her so that he could advance his training. When Arthur questioned Myre's identity, Windsom did not believe Arthur had the need or permission to know of her status, indicating he is rather cordial with her.

Sylvia Indrath[]

Sylvia was the daughter of Kezess Indrath. While their relationship is never fully explored or explained, Windsom is implied to have known Sylvia personally and treated her with the same respect he showed her parents. Windsom was however displeased by Sylvia's relationship with Agrona Vritra and was disheartened when he discovered she had died. Sylvia however, was implied to not be on good terms with Windsom due to his fanatical loyalty to her father and condoning his actions towards the Djinn race. Unlike Windsom, Sylvia valued all life on their planet, including the lives of the "lesser races" that the rest of the Indrath clan held in contempt. Had Sylvia not died when she faced Cadell, she would most likely have sided against Windsom and her people when they attempted to exterminate the lives of the Dicathens.



Aldir is a Pantheon of the Theystes Clan. Aldir and Windsom were said to be long time friends. They act cordial towards each other when engaged in conversatio and trust each other to carry out their duties during their time in Dicathen. However, their relation is intricate. If Aldir has the mind to not say it out loud, he does not agree with the way the Indrath Clan deals with threats. Windsom however, is a loyal soldier and his faith toward Kezess Indrath does not allow him to have an idea over the asuras politics. Aldir compares their friendship with the one that had Kezess Indrath and Mordain. However when Aldir began to question Kezess Indrath's orders when he was ordered Aldir to cast the world eater technique on the elven kingdom, Aldir was shaken by the destruction he had caused and was overcome with guilt. When he was ordered to kill most of the Lances, Aldir spared them. Later Windsom confront him about his insubordination, Taci's death at the hands of Arthur and finally refusing to comply with Indrath orders. All of these factors lead to the destruction of their friendship, leading them to becoming mutual enemies when Aldir was banished by his clan, to protect them so he can rebel against Kezess and put an end to his tyranny.


Kordri is a Pantheon of the Theystes Clan. Like Aldir, he and Windsom were said to be friends, as Windsom was close to his brother Aldir and trained with them in the Pantheon race's martial arts. Windsom trusts Kordri to look after and train Arthur to become strong enough to combat the Alacryans as well as the Vritra. Most likely after what happened with Aldir, their friendship was destroyed.

Wren Kain IV[]

Wren is a Titan of the Grandus Clan. While not much is known about their relationship, it is implied that they were good friends as Wren was shown to speak casually and informally towards Windsom. Windsom seems to trust Wren to train Arthur, indicating a strong faith and respect for his skills. It is unknown what their current relationship is like, but it is implied that their friendship has been severed due to Wren defecting from Epheotus and opposing the Indrath Clan.


Arthur Leywin[]

Arthur is a human from Dicathen and the bond of Sylvie. Despite his opinion of humans, Windsom seems to hold respect for Arthur for his potential and power. The two are initially shown to have a student-teacher relationship as Arthur considers him his mentor and protector during his time in Epheotus. Windsom initially is the one who finds Arthur and Sylvie and convinces them to go to Epheotus to train for the war with the Vritra. Windsom also tells Arthur about the conflict between the Vritra and the other asura clans, though only telling him half of the truth especially regarding Sylvie's Lineage and the reason of Agrona's madness. He keeps an eye on them to ensure their safety and provides them with resources to get stonger. When they were imprisoned by the quasi-corrupt council for the murder of Lucas but also because of the Dwarves collaboration with Agrona. He freed them after Aldir kills the traitors Queen and King Greysunders. Afterwards, he takes him to visit his family also gifting Eleanor with Boo then takes them to Epheotus to train and he is impressed with Arthur's growth in training and luck as Lady Myre agreed to train Arthur for a short while. When Arthur discovered the whole truth of Windsom's words, Windsom made no secret of his disdain towards humans or any of the lesser races he held in contempt. Despite his talent and potential, Windsom saw Arthur as nothing more than a lesser being. Despite this, Arthur did not blame him for keeping it hidden, but Kezess Indrath. When they meet after the destruction of the Elven Kingdom, Arthur asks if he tried to stop Kezess's orders, but Windsom said he was making sure that Aldir completes the mission. As of now Arthur holds a strong animosity against him, but maintains a civilized attitude towards him and is planning to make Windsom pay for his crimes. Later when Windsom tries to greet Arthur, at estintin, Arthur ignores him, much to his chargin, and they antagoize other, as Arthur remains unfazed, Though the tension between them was defused by Kathyln Glayder. When Arthur meets Charon casually this infuriates him even more, as Charon takes Arthur's side, when Windsom tries to bring Sylvie to Kezess Indrath, as Charon forces Windsom to back down.
